Adopt local and national online campaigns #CheerForTheVolunteers (started by CVS Cheshire East) and #NeverMoreNeeded (NAVCA) to thank volunteers who are currently volunteering and those who have had to stop during the pandemic.

Each of our CVS training sessions will be marked with one of the below badges as a reference for members working towards GRIPP Assurance or working to a bespoke GRIPP support plan, created following the completion of the 

Each of our CVS training sessions will be marked with one of the below badges as a reference for members working towards GRIPP Assurance or working to a bespoke GRIPP support plan, created following the completion of the 

These just some of the scams we are aware of, but please note that criminals come in all shapes and sizes and can contact you at the door, by phone, post or online.

Download the awareness letter

FutureDotNow are coordinating industry action through a new initiative, DevicesDotNow, targeting the 1.9 million households who don’t have access to the internet and are digitally excluded as we face a socially distanced world gripped by COVID-19. Supported by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, the DevicesDotNow campaign is asking businesses to donate tablets, smartphones and laptops, as well as connectivity in the form of sims, dongles and mobile hotspots

Guidance to help with running your charity during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

HR advice for employers and employees
