Funding Opportunities

Looking for new funding for your organisation? Use the search options below to filter our directory of current funding opportunities to find grants your organisation is eligible to apply for. 

Active Futures Programme

Cheshire Community Foundation

Sun 21st Jul - 5:00pm
5 days remaining

Children's Alliance Funding

Children's Alliance

Mon 30th Sep - 5:00pm
76 days remaining

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust Fund 2024

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust

Tue 1st Oct - 12:00pm
77 days remaining

Small grants Programme

Cheshire Community Foundation

Thu 31st Oct - 5:00pm
Fund Deadline

Active Futures Programme

Cheshire Community Foundation

Cheshire Community Foundation are delighted to announce a new grant programme, delivered in partnership with the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire and Active Cheshire This programme will fund projects delivering early intervention and diversionary activities for young people at... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
Sunday 21st July 2024 5:00pm
5 days remaining

Children's Alliance Funding

Children's Alliance

Children's Alliance wants to get children into water safely to learn, develop and purposefully play for the benefit of children’s physical and mental wellbeing. We are looking to support grass roots initiatives delivering water based projects for disadvantaged children. This support will be... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
Monday 30th September 2024 5:00pm
76 days remaining

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust Fund 2024

Postcode Neighbourhood Trust

Funding Themes: Enabling participation in physical activity. Enabling participation in the arts. Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty. Supporting marginalised groups and tackling inequality. Improving biodiversity and responding to the climate emergency. Improving green spaces and... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
Tuesday 1st October 2024 12:00pm
77 days remaining

Small grants Programme

Cheshire Community Foundation

Cheshire Community Foundation's Small Grants programme has reopened and you can apply for funding of up to £2,500 to help your small, grassroots project deliver work against their priorities of No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Reduced Inequalities, Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education and Climate... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
Thursday 31st October 2024 5:00pm

LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund


Thanks to further funding from The National Lottery Community Fund - the largest community funder in the UK, Consortium and its Community Partners are delighted to deliver the second round of the LGBT+ Futures: Equity Fund. This Fund has been enabled thanks to National Lottery players and will... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
Thursday 21st November 2024 12:00pm
128 days remaining

Rylands Small Donation Programme

Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust

The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust offers grants to UK based charitable organisations that work in the following areas of interest: Serious illness - to assist many fundraising initiatives by charities and charitable institutions which help those suffering from serious illness. The needs... Read more...

Registered Charity

Grant Making Trust

Boshier Hinton Foundation

The Boshier-Hinton Foundation exists to improve quality of life for people with disabilities or learning difficulties, and their families, in any part of the country, by making donations to charitable institutions providing facilities and advocacy for children and adults with special educational... Read more...

Registered Charity

Improving Lives

The Henry Smith Charity

The Improving Lives grant programme provides grants to charitable organisations that help people when other sources of support have failed, are inappropriate, or are simply not available. We support established organisations delivering services directly to beneficiaries. We are looking for... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group

The Weinstock Fund

The Weinstock Fund

The trust is particularly interested in supporting charitable causes in the arts, community groups and projects, cultural and environmental causes, disability groups and charities supporting people with disabilities, educational projects, welfare causes to include hardship alleviation, and medical... Read more...

Registered Charity

The Foyle Foundation

The Foyle Foundation

he Foyle Foundation's Small Grants Scheme supports smaller, UK based, registered charities working at grassroots and local community level. Trustees will consider projects in 'any field, across a wide range of activities', provided your organisation has an annual turnover of less than £150,000 per... Read more...

Registered or Non Registered Group
