Voluntary Sector Collective - Virtual Meetings

This brand new series of regular CVS led virtual events brings together topics and issues from all the CVS Networks to enable the Voluntary and Community sector in Cheshire East to work together to resolve issues and Build Back Together. 
The inital focus of the Voluntary and Community Collective meetings will be on:
  • How we can respond to COVID and other emergencies together - sharing knowledge and experience and working together as a sector
  • How can we work together to address inequalities in Cheshire East and ensure that our services are accessible to and understand the needs of those that face the biggest inequalities. 


These meetings will take place every two weeks on a Thursday at 3pm. They are free for VCFS organisations to join, and the more that attend, the more we effective we will be in work we do together.

Complete your details below to register for the sessions.  You can choose the ones that you are able to make. 



CVSCE members can log in to see their existing registration.


To view slides from these meetings and previous Thursday Thoughts please view here


By booking onto this session you will be added to the mailing list for the Voluntary Sector Collective.  You will only be sent information about this network and you are able to unsubscribe at any point. 


Migration taxonomy: 
Event Booking Form
If you are attending in a personal capacity, please choose "Not applicable". If you cannot find your group name, please choose "New group or organisation".
CVSCE members can log in to see their existing registrations.
Booking Form