Furlonteer: Matching furloughed staff to charities needing volunteering support. https://www.furlonteer.com/
The Fore: Provides a platform to be matched up with ‘Skilled’ volunteers and request Pro-Bono support. They are UK wide but you can search by region.
Cheshire Connect: Cheshire Connect can link up businesses with charities to offer Pro-Bono support.
Slack – App Directory: Slack allows you to set up individual channels for topics such as social media ideas, fundraising etc.
Surveymonkey: This is a useful tool to collect feedback and survey groups, especially as it allows feedback to be given anonymously.
Volunteering Matters: This site has a ‘Quick guide on how to run community volunteering safely’
NCVO 1 hr webinar on ‘Involving volunteers during the pandemic’: Youtube recording webinar link
NCVO Coronavirus: Volunteering infrastructure weekly briefings every Wednesday at 4pm.
Register here https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/793488260708929293
CVS Cheshire East – Thursday Thoughts webinars every Thursday 3pm
Register here https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L25jDQA9Ruipb-SYHnd0UA
Upcoming CVS training courses: https://www.cvsce.org.uk/training