Community Empowerment Fund

The Community Empowerment Fund is providing grants to help support smaller projects in the Liverpool City Region. Funding is available for up to £2,000 for individuals/groups with an annual income less than £20,000. Local Solutions will look at applications that cover the following:

Awards for All

The National Lottery Community Fund’s well-known Awards for All programme have increased their maximum grant amount from £10,000 to £20,000. This means that grants from £300 to £20,000 are available for voluntary/community organisations, schools, charities and etc across the UK to fund programmes or support organisations in delivering new or existing community-led activities. This funding is available for up to two years.

Eligible projects must achieve at least one of the following objectives:

One Stop Community Partnership

The One Stop Community Partnership Programme provides partnership as well as financial assistance. Alongside an initial grant, of up to £1,000, a long-term tailored programme of support is created for successful applicants by the One Stop Community Team and One Stop Store Team. Grant recipients then work in partnership with the One Stop Store Team at their local shop to deliver this programme. The programme is designed to create a partnership of support to community groups, operating within two miles of a One Stop store, who are working to: Tackle food poverty. Support the vulnerable.

Defibrillator funding for community spaces

The Department of Health and Social Care is currently running a £1 million match funded Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund, aimed at increasing the number of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in public places where they are most needed and to help save lives. Organisations must provide matchfunding of £750 towards an AED device which needs to be accessible to the public, and the Dept will make a contribution of at least £750 towards the device, on a first come, first served basis.

Small Grants

The Leathersellers’ Small Grants Programme 2023-24 will consider applications from charities and Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) registered and operating in the UK. Community Interest Companies (CICs) will not be considered. 

This is a rolling funding programme for one-off grants of up to £5,000. There are 2 application windows throughout the year and each window will close when 45 applications have been received. These are open from 02.04.2024 and 06.05.2024

Cheshire East Improved, Greener, Community Facilities Fund

Grants are currently available to improve community facilities and buildings, energy efficiency and save carbon through the Improved, Greener Community Facilities Fund, funded by the UK Rural and Shared England Prosperity Fund. To apply, you must be a voluntary or community organisation, Town or Parish Council, registered charity or other not for profit organisation, including community faith sector organisations, community groups and community buildings operating within Cheshire East.

Social Investment Business - Cost of Living Fund - Mixed Grant and Loan

What is the Cost of Living Fund?

The Cost of Living Fund (COLF) provides grant funding alongside Recovery Loan Fund (RLF) loans to eligible charities and social enterprises who are supporting people in the 30% most deprived areas of England and delivering products and services to people impacted by the cost-of-living crisis. We determine this by using a measure called the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), which looks at several key factors in the area.

How Can We Fix Our Broken Food System?

What role can the voluntary sector play in putting things back together again?

I don’t think you would find anyone who would disagree that food is vitally important to our health and wellbeing: not only do we need it to stay alive it also gives us pleasure, allows us to share and celebrate and connects us to our land, different cultures and to our neighbourhoods, friends and family.

Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Improvement Fund

On 28th May, the government announced the The Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Improvement Grant Fund totalling £3m, which will provide grant funding over three years (to 2025) to support capital improvement projects for village halls, such as installing Wi-Fi, extending buildings and modernising facilities. Details on how the funding will be administered will be announced in due course.

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1