Foundation for Funding Programme Registration

Please complete the short form below to register your organisation for the Foundation for Funding Programme. Following the form's submission, you will be contacted by a member of the CVS team to capture some additional information to initiate your organisation onto the programme.

If you would like to know more about the programme before participating, please contact and we would be delighted to have a chat in person, online, or on the phone. 

Migration taxonomy: 

This programme requires active, collbrative participation from multiple members of your team, individuals that work in different capacities and areas that support the running of your services (including trustees and decision makers). This is to ensure the effectiveness and quality of the work produced in the resulting Foundation for Funding and a full draft of strategic plans for your organiation.

Do you have 3-10 members of your team (the more the better) that are able to commit their time to attend 5 CVS-led separate workshops?

Dates and times for the 5 workshops will be arranged to suit your organisation