Please complete the following form to include your organisation’s details on our  Voluntary, Community & Faith Directory.

To be included within this Directory, your organisation must be Voluntary, Community or Faith based and/or offer services within Cheshire East. 

Please note that all of the infromation provided on this form will be stored by CVS and will be made public on our website.  You will have the option to choose whether to display the contact telephone number &/or address. We may contact the main person on this form in the process of listing this on the directory or ensruing accuracy in the future. By completing this form you are agreeing for CVS to use your data in this way. 

Migration taxonomy: 
Organisation Details
Maximum of 150 words
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
copy and paste your url here
copy and paste your url here
Maximum of 3 options
Maximum of 3 options
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the address of your organisation to be made public in our Directory.
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the telephone number of your organisation to be made public in our Directory.
Quality and Partnerships
Contact Person
Services Delivered

We would like you to use this directory to promote your services to other VCFS organisations and to the public who visit our site. You can promote up to 3 services through this form, if you wish to promote more please email us. 

Service 1
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the address of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the telephone number of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please indicate what information you would like to have INCLUDED on the directory about this service.
Service 2
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the address of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the telephone number of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please indicate what information you would like to have INCLUDED on the directory about this service.
Service 3
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the address of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please choose as appropriate to confirm if you would like the telephone number of your service to be made public in our Directory.
Please indicate what information you would like to have INCLUDED on the directory about this service.