Enhancing Cyber Security in Charities: Training Opportunities 

By Dan Carroll CVS Communications & Outreach Coordinator

With the rise in digital threats, cyber security has become a crucial concern for charities in the UK. Recent figures from the government reveal that nearly a third (32%) of charities experienced some form of cyber security breach or attack in the past year. This issue is even more pressing for larger charities, with two-thirds (66%) of those earning £500,000 or more annually reporting cyber incidents. 

The most prevalent type of attack is phishing, affecting a staggering 83% of charities. This is followed by impersonation in emails or online (37%) and malware attacks (14%). These breaches can be costly, with the most disruptive incidents costing each charity approximately £460 on average. 

To combat these threats, it is vital for charities to adopt robust cyber security measures. Simple steps such as using strong passwords and two-factor authentication can significantly enhance protection.  

Importance of Cyber Security Training 

Cyber security is a high priority for many charities, with 63% of organisations recognising its importance, rising to 93% for those with higher incomes. However, only 30% of charities have board members or trustees explicitly responsible for cyber security, and just 19% have formal incident response plans. This underscores the need for training and preparedness. 

To help your charity improve their cyber security knowledge and compliance with data protection regulations, we are running a relevant training session "Introduction to UKGDPR and Cyber Security" This course will be run on Wednesday 25th September, from 1pm to 2:30pm. The session aims to: 

  • Review key provisions under UKGDPR 
  • Guide participants on helping their organisations be GDPR-compliant 
  • Provide steps to take in the event of a data breach 
  • Offer insights into the risks of cyber-attacks and strategies to protect your organisation 


This training is designed for anyone working or volunteering in the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector. By participating, you will gain helpful knowledge and skills to safeguard your charity from digital threats and ensure the safe processing of data. 

Training with CVS

We have developed a short training session on UKGDPR and cyber security to help VCFSE organisations understand their responsibilities in data protection and working safely online.  

We’ve been delighted to deliver sessions to Sandbach Town Council and the Jon Shaw Foundation, with further sessions planned with South Cheshire CLASP this summer. These organisations have understood the importance of GDPR, especially with handling sensitive data, and taken steps to train their teams of trustees, staff and volunteers. During training we identified many issues and potential solutions to management of data and processes that the teams need to be involved in. 

Take this opportunity to train your team and get everyone on board with safe data processing to protect yourselves, your funders and people you support. We have a public course open to all groups in September. You can register for this session via the link below (only £10 for CVS members*) or, if you would like a private session please email enquiries@cvsce.org.uk

Register here: Introduction to UKGDPR and Cyber Security - Wednesday 25th September, 1pm-2:30pm  

*If you are not already a CVS member you can register for free by emailing enquiries@cvsce.org.uk

Disclaimer: CVS Cheshire East cannot make any guarantees about news, events and training that have been submitted from external sources