Voluntary Sector Recovery

This section of our COVID-19 support will focus on guidance and resources our local Cheshire East sector can utilise as organisations begin to recover from the impact of the lockdown measures.


Re-opening Community Buildings - July 22nd 1:30 - 3 pm

This zoom event will cover how to safely open up your community building - with expert advice and shared learning across the sector.

As a Follow-up from the CVS Cheshire East (CVSCE) Recovery Conference, CVS and Cheshire Community Action (CCA) would like to invite you to attend our community buildings event on zoom on Wednesday 22nd July.

We will run through the government and ACRE guidance, and give some local examples of how this has been carried out. We recognise that many of you may have already opened up, or are in the process of doing so, and we value the learning and experience that you have gained. Therefore, we will facilitate discussion break out rooms to allow you as organisations to talk to each other, to share this expertise and find solutions together.

Register to join


Request PPE (Face Visors)

Cheshire CCG has sourced face visors (PPE) from the Countess of Chester, and they would like to distribute these to VCFS organisations within Cheshire. CVS has received 3000 of these and are making them available for voluntary groups in Cheshire East.

Request an allocation

Added 14th July

Guidance & Resources

Coronavirus/COVID-19: Guidance for Community Transport

Like so many areas of society, coronavirus has caused significant upheaval in the way that community transport operates. At CTA, it’s our job as the national membership body for the sector to provide timely and relevant advice and support to our members, both with and without a major pandemic to contend with. That’s what we’ve aimed to do during this coronavirus pandemic and, as we start to gradually emerge from lock-down, it’s as important as ever that we continue to provide you with the support you need to run your services safely, securely and sustainably.


Added 15th July

Delivering safe, face-to-face adult daycare

As the restrictions of lockdown are eased, this guide aims to support you, daycare managers, social workers, commissioners and providers, to restart or continue activities. It is focused on the community-based day services, day centres (with and without personal care), including specialised day centre environments, and those with outdoor spaces. (Published: 10 July 2020)


Added - 15th July

Resources Highlighted During the CVS VCFS Recovery Conference (Held on June 24th 2020)

- Health and Safety Executive  

Working safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (includes downloadable guides, stressing the first and most important thing would be to undertake a risk assessment:  

Talking with your workers about preventing coronavirus:  

- Working Safely Guidance toolkit (Dept for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy):  

Overview of the working safely guidance (includes downloadable posters and social media images):  

 - St. John’s Ambulance  

Working safely during COVID-19 tool: 

- Charity shops  

Government guidance for people who work in or run shops, branches or stores:  

Charity Retail Association Reopening Shops pack: 

- NCVO: Protecting your staff, volunteers and beneficiaries  

- Government guidance on forming ‘bubbles’  

This guidance was issued with the focus upon households, however, some organisations are adapting some of the principles for use at work:  

Opening Community Facilities

The government has issued guidance on the 30th June regarding opening up community facilities. Please find the guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-saf...

CVS is looking to run a session on community buildings later in July as a follow up from our very successful recovery conference

The Charity Commission has a guide, aimed at Trustees, however, it is just as relevant at the moment.  The 15 questions to help charity trustees carry out such a review and decide what they need to focus on.

The Commission has also included links to guidance that can help trustees access further information on a particular issue.

Find the 15 questons here


Practical Information to Help Village Halls Reopen

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), has  published information that will help village and community halls reopen once government coronavirus restrictions are lifted. Click here to read the full article.

Download The Guidance

Information Sheet - Re-opening Village and Community Halls post COVID-19 closure

Sample COVID-19 Risk Assessment for re-opening Village and Community Halls

Sample Risk Assessment for Hirers

Added 30th June

Business Planning Tool

ACEVO have produced a Self Assessment Framework for Recovery Planning.  This guide will help you to think about the move from lockdown to rebooting and renewal, it can be helpful to reflect on your organisational response to the crisis, the current situation and your perceptions of the future to feel more confident about facing the next phase.

Download the word document 

Added 23rd June

Risk Assessments

All employers and places of work must complete a COVID specific risk assessement and must display the 'Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020' poster (download below)

We have found a downloadable pack which provides you will all the templates that you will need. 

Download the Return to Work Guidance Pack

This has been produced by a Risk Management company Alcamus Group https://www.alcumusgroup.com/health-and-safety-and-coronavirus Please note CVS has not worked with this company in any way, we just like their templates. 


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) also provides guidance is for employers.

It's designed to help you make your work and workplace safe (be COVID-secure). It'll help you to manage the risk associated with re-starting or running your business during the outbreak.


Added 23rd June 

Working safely during COVID-19 - Free tool and advice

COVID-19 is impacting businesses and organisations across the country. Recent government guidance states how businesses can ensure they work safely during this fast-moving situation. Use our free online tool to find out how this impacts your business.

Every workplace is unique, the checklist tool is only there as a summary of the recent announcements from the government. You will need to ensure that you are aware of specifics for your workplace and keep up to date with any changes.

Use the free tool

Added - 3rd June

Working safely during COVID-19 in offices and contact centres.

Guidance for employers, employees and the self-employed, understand how to work safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping as many people as possible 2 metres apart from those they do not live with.

Download the full PDF guidance document, the 'Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020' poster can be downloaded here.

Added - May 26th

Charity Shop Re-opening Pack

A resource and guidance pack for charity retailers re-opening their outlets.

Download the PDF

Updated - 30th June


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