Financial Guides & Resources 

Business grants - COVID-19 (Cheshire West)

'The Chancellor has announced a series of new measures to help businesses minimise the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19).'

Read the full eligibility

Added 20th May

Charity Shop Re-opening Pack

A resource and guidance pack for charity retailers re-opening their outlets.

Download the PDF

Added - 13th May

Manage financial difficulties in your charity caused by the coronavirus

Guidance about coronavirus (COVID-19) related financial difficulties in charities and how to work through them.

Read the full guidance

Claim system now open for furloughed staff

You can now make your claim for the 80% of furloughed staff salaries through HMRC's Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
Before you make your claim:
  • Read all the available guidance at GOV.UK
  • Make sure you have all the information and calculations you need beforehand (calculator guidance is here)
  • Take a look through the step-by-step guide
Then you are ready to make your claim here.

Filing charity annual returns during the coronavirus pandemic

Any charity that needs an extension to their annual return deadline can contact the Charity Commission to ask for one.

Insurance Guidance from Ladbrook Insurance

Managing Through the Coronavirus Crisis

We have produced this document relaying and relying on other published materials to provide some information to policyholders and prospective clients.

Leaving Your Premises Unoccupied

As more and more employees are working from home, and no longer at the insured buildings, you should check the implications with your insurance provider.

Insurers generally expect to be told when a premises becomes unoccupied and they generally apply conditions to the policy to restrict cover and to mandate certain processes and controls. Often these controls involve matters like regular checks on the property and turning the water off. 

Download the full guidance document.

Support to help with your digital capabilities

Catalyst is a charitable network which helps the voluntary sector strengthen its digital capabilities. Right now, we're focused on helping charities respond to the challenges of COVID-19.

Hardship Funds for individuals

Cheshire East Council has pulled together some useful funds that individuals can apply for in times of hardship due to Coronoavirus, these may be useful for your service users to apply to.  Download [Word Doc]

Government Grants and Loans

Small Business Grant Funding – up to £10,000 for all businesses in receipt of small business rate relief 

Two new grant funding schemes have been announced. 

  • A small business grant funding of £10,000 for all businesses in receipt of small business rate relief Please note - We are awaiting clarity if this includes mandatory  charity rate relief and 
  • Grant funding of £25,000 for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses with a property where the rateable value is between £15,000 and less than £51,000.

Eligible businesses will be identified through the business rates system and will receive the grants once funds are available: summary of scheme requirements (PDF, 81KB)

Managed through Cheshire East Council - businesses will not need to apply for the small business grants. Eligible businesses will be identified through the business rates system and will receive the grants once funds are available
If you normally get the full relief and don't pay your business rates register your organisation's bank details on the Cheshire East Website

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme  - Furlough Scheme

Employers will be able to contact HMRC for a grant to cover 80% of the wages (up to a total of £2,500 per month) of employees who are not working but are “furloughed” and kept on payroll, rather than being dismissed. It will cover backdated wages from 1 March 2020, although it is likely to be some weeks before the payments are actually made under it.
We understand that an online portal is being set up for employers to notify HMRC and apply for the grant after the relevant employees have been notified that they are to be treated as furloughed.
Workers and self-employed individuals (independent contractors) are not covered by the Scheme. It is only intended to cover employees registered for PAYE purposes.
Further, it does not appear to extend to:
  • subsidising wages where shorter hours or reduced pay have been negotiated in response to the COVID-19 crisis; nor
  • employees on sick leave or in isolation.

Statutory Sick Pay Rebate

What is it?

The Government will bring forward legislation to allow small and medium-sized businesses to reclaim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) paid for staff sickness absence due to coronavirus. This refund will cover up to 2 weeks’ SSP per eligible employee who has been off work because of coronavirus.

You will be eligible if:

1. Your business is UK based AND

2. Your business is small or medium-sized and employs fewer than 250 employees as of 28 February 2020.

More details will follow

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (“CBILS”)

It can provide facilities of up to £5 million for smaller businesses across the UK who are experiencing lost or deferred revenues, leading to disruptions to their cash flow. It supports a wide range of business finance products, including term loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset finance. 

CBILS is available through the British Business Bank’s 40+ accredited lenders, which are listed on the British Business Bank website (

For the full range of Government Support please visit this page 

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