Cheshire East Food Alliance

The Cheshire East Food Alliance will play a key role in developing a ‘Right to Food’ strategy – to address food insecurity across Cheshire East.  

For the Alliance to be successful we need a cross representation of organisations including community groups, charities, faith organisations, local government, the NHS, housing trusts, retailers, other food providers, and a wide range of other groups / people, to come together, to work to address this significant issue.

The project is being led by CVS Cheshire East with funding and support from Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Community Foundation.

The Food Alliance is a member of the Feeding Britain network of regional and local partnerships across the UK. 

Food Alliance meeting – 22 May 2024 

Our second meeting took place at New Life Church in Congelton on Wednesday 22 May 2024. Over 30 people we're in attendance from organisations including both Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Community Foundation - the project funders, a wide range of charity, community and faith food delivery organisations, town councils, housing trusts and the Co-op.

The key themes included:

  • Numbers of people experiencing poverty and subsequently food poverty. The Trussell Trust nationally reported issuing 3.1m emergency food parcels 2023 – 2024. This seems to be playing out locally as projects across the Alliance are regularly reporting unprecedented levels of demand e.g. one foodbank (not part of The Trussel Trust) has been receiving 210+ referrals per month since January (up over 40% on the same time last year). One community pantry is exceeding 400 shoppers per month (again significantly up on the period last year). Groups are also reporting referrals / shoppers from outside of their geographic area e.g. Holmes Chapel travelling to Macclesfield.
  • Surplus food. The meeting heard that 4.6 million tonnes of edible food go to waste every year – enough to feed everyone for almost two months. If you include food at the farm gate – this rises to 11 million tonnes: worth £20.8 billion. And in the hospitality and food service sector 18% of the food purchased is being thrown away ( £3 billion in value).

Breakout sessions started to look at both topics and work will continue in the form of task and finish groups looking specifically to 1/ stablish a referral pathway and process (providing residents with long-term support to reduce the dependence on food banks) and 2/ develop a surplus food model covering all businesses across the food system e.g. producers, manufacturers, growers (farmers), retailers & hospitality / food service.

Food Alliance May 2024 Meeting Presentation

Cheshire East Food Alliance Right to Food Strategy

The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 10 July. Click the link to book your place now. 

Launch event - 17 October 2023 

We held our launch event at Congelton Town Hall on Tuesday 17 October 2023. Over 50 people we're in attendance representing a wide range of organisations including both Cheshire East Council and Cheshire Community Foundation - the project funders, a wide range of charity, community and faith food delivery organisations, town councils, housing trusts, the Co-op and FareShare


Attendees heard from Andrew Forsey, National Director at Feeding Britain, Lucie Ferneyhough, Communities Team at Cheshire East Council, and Graham Brown, Sector Development Officer for Food Coordination at CVS Cheshire East. 

Links to the presentations from the event can be found at the bottom of this page.

Information and resources

You may find the following information and resources useful.

Cheshire East Community Food Map


Everyone has a right to food – have your say and join the Cheshire East Food Alliance

How Can We Fix Our Broken Food System?

Information and resources

Feeding Britain

Feeding Britain Resource Library

This is a library of resources for food projects, to share good practice and save time. It includes toolkits, webinars and template documents such as policies and job descriptions. 

The Food Foundation

The Trussell Trust

Independent Food Aid Network

West Cheshire Food Partnership

Warrington Food Network

More information about the Cheshire East Food Alliance

Please contact Graham Brown, Sector Development lead - Food Coordination and Rural Engagement.