A Self-enriching culture for re-discovering the real YOU!
ATMA offers a firm but flexible educational framework. By inviting truly personal contributions from all of our Participants, we provide a unique toolkit for incremental Self-assessment suited to all ages. Become your own university!
Our revealing WHEEL OF KNOWING has attracted a range of Self-seeking individuals, many of whom then partake in the Self-evaluating survey MINING ME (MM) which then leads to MY MASTER LEARNING MENU. The first Playshop being MY MISSION ON EARTH (M – ME).
This rich range of 8 interactive Playshops, devised with the creative help of the ‘Learners’, are all benignly guided by our Team of highly experienced Enablers from many walks of life. All aim to inspire, uplift and transform individuals, helping each to optimize their uniqueness, by way of MAKING A BETTER ME!