Clothworker's Foundation Open Grants Programme

Funding Body / Name of Funder
Clothworker's Foundation
Grant Amount

The Clothworkers Foundation award grants to UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organisations (including special schools). Grants are awarded towards capital projects which we define as:

  • Buildings: purchase, construction, renovation or refurbishment.
  • Fittings, Fixtures, and Equipment: this includes but is not limited to office equipment/furniture, sports/gym equipment, digital/audio visual equipment, garden equipment, specialist therapeutic (excluding medical) equipment. It does not include equipment for one-off use, or which will be given to service users for personal use on a permanent basis.
  • Vehicles: This includes a minibus, car, caravan, people-carrier, or 4X4. We are unlikely to fund the total cost of a new vehicle and do not provide grants towards vehicle leasing.

We fund both large and small projects. The size of grant awarded will depend on a number of factors including the size of your organisation and the cost and scale of your capital project. 

You must be able to demonstrate that the work of your organisation fits within one or more of our programme areas, and that at least 50% of service users benefiting from the capital project are from one or more of these groups. Proramme areas are as follows:-Alcohol and substance misuse, Disabled people, disadvantaged minority communities, Disadvantaged young people, Domestic and sexual violence, Older people, Homelessness, Prisoners and Ex-offenders and Visual Impairment.

Eligible Status
Registered or Non Registered Group
Fund Use
Turnover Range

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1