Specialist Evidence-Based Training for all professionals working with Children’s Wellbeing in Cheshire East

Visyon and Just Drop-In have been commissioned by Cheshire East Council to provide the Healthy Young Minds Service. As part of this service, we are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Solihull Approach; trusted provider of online courses focused on children's emotional health and wellbeing, to provide FREE online evidence-based courses, developed by psychologists and professionals, for ALL professionals within Cheshire East’s Children’s workforce. These courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere by individual practitioners, at no cost.

The Solihull Approach is a not-for-profit NHS organisation for practitioners and parents that supports emotional health and well-being in children, families, and adults. Further information about the Solihull Approach can be found below.

The Solihull Approach online CPD courses for practitioners include:

  • Understanding brain development: insights into the science behind children's brain development and emotional health, helping families make informed decisions that support healthy cognitive growth.
  • Understanding trauma: specialist education on trauma recognition, processing and recovery
  • Understanding attachment: strategies for open and effective communication that will strengthen the parent-child bond and promote emotional well-being.

Sam Ruck, Head of Therapy Services at Visyon, expressed enthusiasm for this partnership, saying, "Investing in our staff and in our children's emotional health is an investment in the future of our community. We believe that by providing free access to Solihull Approach's courses, we are ensuring the tools we need to support local children's well-being and growth."

To access the courses, all professionals across every sector working with children and young people in Cheshire East, can visit the webpage here and follow the simple registration process inputting the access code WHEATSHEAF-PRF

For further information about this partnership please contact: Jenny.spencer@justdropin.co.uk or Louise.marsh@visyon.org.uk

There will also be a universal offer for parents coming soon…


About Solihull Approach:

The Solihull Approach is about emotional health and wellbeing for all children, their parents, carers and grandparents. We are passionate about sensitive relationships, early years support and understanding brain development to help nurture kind, emotionally aware children as they grow.

We know relationships shape who we are; they shape how our brains develop from as early as pregnancy and throughout our lives. That’s why we have developed courses, training and resources for practitioners and parents to help understand brain development and emotional health and wellbeing throughout the parenting journey.

We are proud to offer INOURPLACE.co.uk as your portal for online courses tailored to children’s developmental stages for you to learn in your own time in a safe, private space.


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