End of life Partnership and Keele University Public Stakeholder Event

The End of Life Partnership is working with colleagues at Keele University to host an event for professionals and members of the public to shape priorities for end of life care research. The event will take place on Thursday 13 March, between 10 and 12 noon at the EOLP offices in Crewe.

A booking link is shown on the flyer, and if you have any queries about the event, please contact Dr Angela Clifford at Keele University: a.clifford@keele.ac.uk


 End of life partnership event flyer



End of Life Partnership and Keele University invite you to

Priority Setting for End of Life Care

Public and Stakeholder Involvement Event

Thursday 13th March 2025

10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Spring Farm Business Centre, Crewe CW1 4RJ

We need your help to ensure that our research and innovations

Within end-of-life care are based on needs, idea, and expertise

within the region

We are looking for members of the public, and professionals with

experience of working with those at the end of life and/or their

families to help shape the direction and focus of our future research

At this event we will host small group discussions around current

challenges in end-of-life care and work towards identifying future 


Places are limited so please register at: https://formsoffice.com/e/sWCsEm9r8q

 or scanning the QR code on the image above.

For enquiries about this event please contact

Dr. Angela Clifford: a.clifford@keele.ac.uk

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