The Robert Clutterbuck Charitable Trust Grants

Funding Body / Name of Funder
The Robert Clutterbuck Charitable Trust
Grant Amount
£1,000 - £3,000

The Robert Clutterbuck Charitable Trust exists to help other charities by making grants to them. It has set priorities and invites applications within those priority areas.

Grants will not be made to charities with an annual turnover exceeding £500,000 unless they are primarily concerned with the welfare of ex-service personnel or have previously received a grant from the Trust.

In practice, the Trustees do not consider applications for payments to individuals and do not generally pay grants below £1000 or over £3000.

They prefer their grants to be applied for the purchase of specific items to assist:-

  • Personnel within the Armed Forces and ex-service men and women
  • Sport and Recreational Facilities for young people, giving priority to Cheshire and Hertfordshire
  • The Welfare, Protection and Preservation of Domestic Animal Life, giving priority to Cheshire and Hertfordshire
  • Natural History and wildlife
  • Other charities associated with the counties of Cheshire and Hertfordshire
  • Charities which would have had particular appeal to the founder, Major Robert Clutterbuck

The Trustees generally meet twice in each year to approve grants. The deadlines for the rounds of applications are 30th June and 31st December in each year. The Trustees generally meet in March and September.

There are no application forms and charities wishing to apply should write to the Secretary giving details of what they propose to do with any grant made and of their current financial position. (Accounts are not needed if the most recent ones are available on the Charity Commission website.)

Eligible Status
Registered Charity
Fund Use
Eligible Turnover
Less than £500000
Turnover Range
£100 - £50,000

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1