Open Programmes

Funding Body / Name of Funder
Power To Change
Grant Amount
£1 - £25,000

No one understands a community better than the people who live there. We work with community businesses to revive local assets, protect the services people rely on, and address local needs. The following programmes are currently open:-

Our vision is to create better places through community business. We will use our endowment to strengthen community businesses across England.  This means providing money, advice and support to help local people come together to take control. At a time when many parts of the country face cuts, neglect and social problems, we want to make sure local areas survive and stay vibrant. We do so by being bold, collaborative, open and informed.

Community Business ReBoost Fund
Community Business ReBoost  fund aims to support community businesses to raise community shares capital that can support their recovery, pivot or expand the business in response to Covid-19. The ReBoost fund provides grant funding and matched equity investment. 

Community Business Crowdmatch
Community Business Crowdmatch helps communities to develop, test or grow your community business. The fund is designed to help you raise funds to cover key costs, help you build your network of supporters and provide match funding. Working with Crowdfunder, Power to Change will offer an investment, up to £10,000, to match the amount raised by your supporters. Crowdmatch is now open for applications, 

Community Shares Booster programme
Community shares are an ideal way for communities to invest in businesses that serve a community purpose. Through this programme, we offer support to get a community share offer off the ground and match fund it when you meet your target. 

More than a Pub
The More than a pub programme offers business development support, advice and loan and grant funding to community groups in England to help them establish community-owned pubs. 


Eligible Status
Registered or Non Registered Group
Fund Use
Capital and Revenue
Eligible Turnover

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1