Everybody Foundation Funding Grants

Everybody Health and Leisure logo
Funding Body / Name of Funder
Everybody Health and Leisure
Grant Amount
£10 - £200

Small grants of up to £200 are available to help support young people staying in sport. Grants must be used to subsidise club subscriptions, pay for equipment, or kit that could not be paid for otherwise, or used towards travel costs to and from sports training and tournaments. This can either be in the form of a general hardship fund for your club, or on behalf of a specific young person who is in immediate need. Currently, we are only accepting applications from local sporting organisations – either on behalf of a specific young person, or to create a hardship fund.

The young people you are applying on behalf of must live in Cheshire East – or, if for a hardship fund, your organisation must be based in Cheshire East. Grants must be used to benefit those who are under the age of 18 – or under the age of 25 if they have special educational needs or a disability. If you are a parent/guardian and you feel your child would benefit from a grant, please contact their club, and request they apply on your behalf. These criteria may be subject to change at any time, so keep checking back if you are currently ineligible.

Eligible Status
Non Registered Group
Fund Use
Eligible Turnover

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1