Biffa Awards Programme

Funding Body / Name of Funder
Grant Amount
£10,000 - £75,000

Biff a Awards gives grants to Community projects near landfill sites.

Grants from £10,000 - £75000 in the following areas :-

Community Buildings.  Projects under the Community Buildings theme include those which improve buildings at the heart of their communities – such as village halls, community centres and church halls. They can include building refurbishments and internal works to kitchens, toilets, roofs, flooring, window, doors and heating systems. Applications from churches must be able to demonstrate a wider community use and benefit – such as youth groups, special interest groups, exercise groups etc. Under this theme an applicant will have to show evidence of wider community use, involvement and consultation.

Recreation.  Projects under the Recreation theme can include new play equipment; landscaping works, including boardwalks, trees and shrubs; skate parks; woodland walks; nature trails; outdoor gyms; and building works within communal areas of sporting clubhouses (such as kitchen and toilet facilities) which have a wider community use and are not for the sole use of sports club members. It generally includes projects that benefit people within their free time. Under this theme an applicant will have to show evidence of wider community use, involvement and consultation.

Rebuilding Biodiversity. Projects under the Rebuilding Biodiversity theme support a variety of living things, including all species of plants and animals and the natural systems/habitats that support them. Work can include habitat improvement works, tree surgery, scrub removal, and the purchase of plants, seeds and trees. Unfortunately, research costs cannot be funded. Ideally projects will have a strong element of public access or inclusion such as volunteer involvement.


Eligible Status
Registered or Non Registered Group
Fund Use
Capital and Revenue

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1