Alpkit Foundation

Funding Body / Name of Funder
Grant Amount
£1 - £500

Alpkit welcome any applications from individuals and groups supporting grass-roots direct action projects that tackle issues such as the community response to COVID19 19, diversity & inclusion in the outdoors, participation, education, conservation and protection of our natural environment and health & well-being. Examples include: • Being active in your local community to help elderly or vulnerable people • Minimising the impact of self-isolation for those in quarantine and need access to food, medicines, or social care • Supporting foodbanks and increasing the number of meals on wheels deliveries to support the elderly • Supporting those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation Individuals or organisations can apply for grants of £500. There is an online application form to apply and trustees meet bi-monthly. Please apply at least 3 months before the start of a project so that the trustees have time to consider it at their next meeting

Eligible Status
Registered or Non Registered Group
Fund Use
Capital and Revenue
Eligible Turnover
Turnover: Any

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1