Allen Lane Foundation

Funding Body / Name of Funder
Allen Lane Foundation
Grant Amount
£500 - £15,000

The Foundation provides grants for up to three years, with a total value of £500-£15,000, although the average grant size is £5,000 – £6,000. In order to apply, your organisation does not need to be a registered charity as long as it is carrying out work for charitable purposes and works with one or more of these groups:

  • Asylum seekers and refugees
  • Gypsies and Travellers
  • Migrant Workers
  • Offenders and Ex-offenders
  • Older People
  • People experiencing mental health problems
  • People experiencing violence or abuse

The Foundation also offers a social cohesion appointment which specifically funds projects that aim to proactively break down barriers and tensions between different groups of people. With this fund the Foundation hopes support projects will help to build a more cohesive and inclusive community for everyone.

Eligible Status
Registered or Non Registered Group
Fund Use

NVCO Trusted Charity Mark Level 1