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Hosted by Charity Digital

Hybrid events offer myriad benefits to charities, such as increased reach and attendance, higher engagement, reduced environmental costs, and greater return on investment. For some charities, however, hybrid events can appear complicated and daunting, seemingly requiring twice as much work and in-depth knowledge of tech.


Today’s webinar will show that hybrid events can be simple, practical, and hugely beneficial to your charity. The webinar is run by our friends at Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home (the Home). Like most charities, the Home’s events were hit significantly by COVID-19. In the past year, the charity had to shift from physical events to virtual to hybrid. The team from the Home will talk through that process and will give attendees essential advice to apply to their own events.


Attendees can expect to learn how the Home made their hybrid events a success, some top tips for running your own hybrid events, potential pitfalls you might face along the way, and much more. So please join us for what is sure to be a brilliant and insightful webinar.

Book here https://charitydigital.org.uk/webinars/webinar-step-by-step-guide-to-hyb...


Thursday, 1 July, 2021 - 13:00 to 14:00
CVS Cheshire East cannot make any guarantees about news, events and training that have been submitted from external sources
Category of Training/Event: 
HR / Governance
Digital / IT
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